By hearing stories and resonating with them creatures are wanting to bring the story into their life. Dreams are the desire / inner calling to make the story to come true.
Stories are universal. Dreams are personal.
Creatures are dreaming to have or dreaming to do. And it creates a new way of energy exchange.
While crafting objects from energy, one gives its energy.
Another can give energy for having what the first crafted.
Dreams are projects, which can be realized with the help of other creatures by arranging XP cards in a specific way and getting the right lightness of all participating creatures.
Arranging the XP cards can be done either manually, either they'll self-arrange if the lightness level is high enough (intuition).
When the dream can be materialized the XP cards pattern would become highlighted, showing the possibility that the dream can be realized right now. But since the XP cards are changing its meaning with changing lightness level of the participating creatures, the possibility might fade fast, it not used.
Every more or less complex production process was before a dream. And the whole villages might be centered on keeping their unique production process up and running by creating a stable ecosystem, which provides all the resources (number of creatures involved, keeping them at a certain lightness level, skills, etc.).