A part of the Nature system, which allows to collect positive and negative energy around the world and brings it where it is needed.
Dark clouds and the thunders show where darkness collected a lot of energy in one place and is ready to fight.
Violent storm happens in the moment of the intense battle, signifying enormous pain, breaking things around and burning all inside.
After the battle, where everyone feels pain, the rain helps to wash it away. And sun appearing through the clouds signify that the light is coming, helping creatures revive. And then the rainbow brings joy, inner peace and bliss.
And after purifying rain and rainbow, the Nature starts to florist. Flowers open and gives energy, healing everything and everyone around.
The state of bliss is the rainbow state, the state of glow and perfect balance between rain and sun. Perfect for the Nature to thrive. Purifying rain and sun this is what gives energy to Nature. The energy which it later shares with everyone.
Dark energy forms dark clouds and starts strong cold winds, which break everything around.
Rainfall makes the pain go away. Happens when dark energy turns into light one.
Rainfall signifies giving its energy to Nature.
Storm, dark creature fighting light creature. It attacks light creature, which is in the epicenter of the clouds.